Helping your
people grow

The Personal Development Collection provides a brilliant resource to help your people to develop crucial skills and competencies as they go about their working lives. From leadership and emotional intelligence, to developing a mindset for growth or better ways of working together, these programmes will help your people as individuals and as a team.

Positive change

  • Small positive actions
  • Crafted by psychologists
  • Tailored to each person
  • Add custom content
  • On mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Available all year

on the go

Research reveals that most people attending a traditional classroom learning event will have forgotten 90% of what they ‘learned’ in 24 hours. Less than 5% are likely to implement any change as a result of what they have heard.

By taking your Personal Development out to your people while they work and giving them the option to choose the programmes that appeal to them most, you can effect real change.

Bridging the learning do-ing gap


More likely to look for new ways
of doing things*

The emerging strength of mobile learning