After life-saving heart surgery, the majority of people advised to change their lifestyle simply don’t do it. After training courses, only 20% of people actually apply anything of what they’ve learnt. Why is it so hard to change? Because we are all habit machines. Habits save us energy, because they don’t consume much brain power. Some habits are useful, keeping us safe or saving us time. But habits can be really limiting, stopping us experiencing new things. Preventing us from realising our full potential.

Do Something Different:

  • Measures your current habits
  • Makes you aware of autopilot
  • Helps you break old routines
  • Uses small steps to big change
  • Gives you support along the way

Are you stuck
on autopilot?

We’ve all done it. Arrived at a familiar place with no recollection of how we got there. Found an empty packet of biscuits without remembering eating them all. Why does that happen? Because you’re operating on autopilot. Stuck in a chain of habits. Brilliantly efficient for your lazy brain. But potentially harmful for you. It’s only by breaking free from these habits that you can make the changes you really want. And once you’ve turned off the autopilot in one part of your life, you’ll become so much more aware of it. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a richer, more fulfilling world.

Don't think. Do.

Neuroscience research into mirror neurons has shown that thinking about things, or carrying out routine tasks typically light up the same areas of the brain. Doing something new creates a new neural pathway. That’s what Do Something Different is all about. At the core of everything we do is one simple idea: Don’t think about it. Or learn about it. Or analyse it. Or talk about it. Do it. Then learn from the experience. And energise your lazy brain at the same time.

Do Something Different:

  • Learns about who you are
  • Sends you psychologically powerful Do’s
  • Encourages you to learn from the experience
  • Invites you to share what you do with others
  • Shows you what’s changed at the end


Most of us only use 1/10 of our personality. 90% is waiting to be unlocked.


On average, people only use 22% of their potential behaviours.


The brain is 2% of our body weight but uses 20% of our energy resources. No wonder we are drawn to habits to conserve brain power.

Sounds simple.
Is there more?

Yes, tons more. Let’s start with a team of top psychologists, including Professor Ben Fletcher and Karen Pine.

Add decades of their scientific research into behaviour change and expertise in personal and professional development.

Build in behavioural measurement, personality profiling, a host of wellbeing measures and powerful psychometrics. Top that with the savviest tech team, global reach and an inspiring sharing space, and you’ve got the most sophisticated behaviour change system in the world.

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