
Successful change and growth depends on having the right levels of resilience, flexibility and openness in your people. This Collection prepares people for change, helping them to adapt and move with changing times and shifting demands. Each of these programmes will help to build high staff morale and employee engagement and ensure smoother transitions during times of upheaval.


Positive change

  • Small positive actions
  • Crafted by psychologists
  • Tailored to each person
  • Add custom content
  • On mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Available all year

The importance of flexibility

In his book, Flex, one of our Founding Psychologists, Professor Ben Fletcher, explains how hard it can be to bring about change in organisations.

“Organisations have a personality too – their organisational culture – and it can be just as constraining as an individual’s personality. Organisations get habits, just like people. This can be even more problematic when businesses or markets demand change… Managers and employees often know what they should do but their work habits get in the way.” The Change Management Collection can make a difference for individuals and company culture.

What is behavioral flexibility?


More likely to look for new ways of doing things

The emerging strength of mobile learning