If you want to help your people to quit with STOPTOBER, but know it's going to be tough, point them at Love Not Smoking. We've made it FREE during October 2017, just to make it easier.
The big idea behind the NHS Stoptober campaign in the UK is that if you stop smoking for 28 days you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good.
But giving up is hard. So to help, we’re making our Love Not Smoking programme FREE from 20th September to 31st October 2017. Sign your people up today and they could be thanking you for years to come.
How could Love Not Smoking help your people quit?
For most smokers, it’s the habit, (not the addiction) that’s trapping them. Love Not Smoking, delivered by app, text messages or email, disrupts their smoking habits for 2 weeks before their quit day, so they’re ready to give up for good.
Joanna’s quit after 20 years
Joanna used Love Not Smoking and she’s quit for good. She says it was the clever pre-quit ideas in the programme that really helped her to break the hold that smoking had on her once and for all.
How does the psychology work?
Professor Karen Pine, the psychologist behind the programme and author of the book, Love Not Smoking, explains the psychology behind the programme:
Share this link with your people today; It’s FREE if they sign up before October 31st 2017: