What was I doing before Do Something Different?
I was freelancing building web sites and applications for all sorts of different businesses before working at Bupa, writing systems to analyse and visualise their data.
Why did I join?
I liked that there’s the opportunity to have more of an effect on people’s lives than the average experience online. I read Ben and Karen’s book, Flex, and the whole idea made sense. I was really excited to be able to be a part of making it happen and changing people’s habits for the better. Ant also makes a mean cup of tea, which swayed it!
What do I do?
I work on the technology that delivers our programmes, creating new features and checking everything is running smoothly. You’ll occasionally see me doing the washing up too.
What do I most want to change in the world?
I’d like to make the Internet freely available to everyone. It would help create all kinds of communities and new inventions
What do I most want to change about me?
Since joining Do Something Different I’ve become very conscious of the things I do habitually and so I would like to keep changing my routine to see what happens. Also, apparently I snore, so I’d like to stop that – very embarrassing!
What am I doing differently?
I’ve recently become a father so I’m doing all sorts of things differently, from starting my day at odd hours to only eating food with one hand. I also set myself Do’s from time to time. Most recently I decided to pay for everything I buy with cash, which has made me notice what I’m spending and is often quicker.