Our EU Horizon 2020/Taiwan Government funded project, Do Change, has reached an exciting new phase with clinical trials beginning in both Spain and the Netherlands.
Do Change is about to undergo clinical trials with cardiac patients in Spain and the Netherlands.
The objective of the project is to bring behaviour change methodology and medical device data together in one ‘patient ecosystem.’ This will help people with serious cardiac conditions to make the changes they need to improve their health and reduce the risk of further events, while being closely monitored.
The trial is being run from Badalona Serveis Assistencials in Barcelona and Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg. Each hospital will divide patients into two groups, with one receiving the Do Change intervention and the other receiving after-care in the usual way.
How it works
Each patient is given their own Docobo CAREPORTAL which gathers ECG data and blood pressure on a daily basis. The patient is also signed up to one of three Do Something Different cardiac programmes, specifically created to make crucial lifestyle changes associated with:
- cardiac disease
- heart failure
- hypertension.
Our Do’s are delivered to the patient’s CAREPORTAL and via text or email to mobile phones, tablets or PCs. All of the relevant data is captured and can be accessed by authorised professionals in the patient’s care journey (GP/hospital doctor/specialist carers etc).
By prompting patients to make lifestyle changes and closely monitoring the effect the goal is to create better outcomes for the patient while returning huge potential savings for hospitals and emergency care providers by avoiding the need for subsequent treatment.
Developments for Do Something Different
Roz Sutton, our Project Manager for Do Change says there have been a number of system developments required to this point.
“We have had to engineer an interface from our Do Something Different system to integrate with Docobo’s CAREPORTAL. We have had to create three specialist cardiac programmes. And we are delivering everything in multiple languages. It’s great that we are about to launch with patients.”
Next steps
Do Change is an EU Horizon 2020 project which is also supported by the Taiwanese Government. A second trial later in the year will take place in Taiwan as well as Europe and will include three more medical inputs:
- CookIT – an intelligent spatula that provides information about salinity of everyday food
- Horus – a portable spectral detecting device informing the user about the nutrition information
- MySleeve – tracking drinking behaviour of the user from place to place.
An overview of the project