Online Public Health programmes – delivering significant health improvements in Hertfordshire
A Do Something Different pilot intervention commissioned by Hertfordshire Public Health in January 2014 has returned significant health benefits at low cost, with little or no involvement from health professionals.
Four Do Something Different programmes targeted emotional wellbeing, mental health, healthy lifestyle and healthy weight. More than eight hundred Hertfordshire residents signed up to the programmes. Data reported on a sub-sample of ninety-nine people shows:
- Subjective wellbeing up by 21%
- Anxiety and depression down significantly, with more than 50% in the ‘clinical’ category moving to lower levels
- Physical activity up by 37%
- Alcohol consumption down by 20%
- Fruit and veg consumption up by 29%
- Weight down by an average of 5.8 lbs in six weeks
- 50% of people went and visited Herts amenities
How did the pilot programme work?
Do Something Different is a digital behaviour change methodology that helps people make small lifestyle changes aimed at improving health outcomes.
Participants are profiled online before and after the intervention. For a number of weeks they receive small behavioural prompts by SMS text and/or email. These encourage them to do the things they need to do to adopt a healthier lifestyle in the target area.
Designing the programme
The programmes were designed by Do Something Different’s founding psychologists, Professor Karen Pine and Professor Ben Fletcher. As well as appropriate health and behaviour change actions, the programmes also included prompts to explore local areas of beauty, clubs and activity centres.
Easy online sign-up
Hertfordshire residents were offered free online sign up. Four programmes were offered online via the Hertfordshire County Council website at hertsdirect.org/dosomething. All that Hertfordshire Public Health had to do was provide a link to the Do Something Different system – no other technical integration was required.
Reaching Hertfordshire residents
The programmes were promoted from the homepage of the County Council website. In addition programmes were promoted with target populations through a system of training and buddying with community groups, digital outreach to online groups and real world promotion at the Hertfordshire County Show and other council events.
Between the end of January and the beginning of August 2014, the programme attracted 814 sign-ups, exceeding the initial target for the pilot.
Overall improvement across all programmes
Among the key findings from a sample of of 99 residents, wellbeing measures were seen to significantly increase:
Mental Health improvements
There was an improvement in anxiety scores of 16% and an improvement in depression scores of 20%.
The scores on our ‘Thoughts and Feelings’ scale correlate with distinct categories of anxiety and depression: Healthy, At Risk or Clinical. The programme showed significant changes for people recording Clinical and At Risk levels:
- A 55% reduction in number of people classified as clinically anxious/ depressed (22 before, 10 after)
- A 47% reduction in number of people classified at risk of clinical anxiety/ depression (17 before, 9 after)
- A 33% increase in the number of people in the healthy category for anxiety/depression (60 before, 80 after).
What the participants said
Each Do Something Different programme includes an online ‘Do Zone’ that allows participants to log-in and leave feedback about each Do, to support other people on their programme and keep a personal log of what they have done. Here is just a tiny sample of over 1200 comments captured and shared in the Do Zone:
“Do Something Different should be available from your doctor. It’s immediate, not like waiting for a letter or call from another organisation, it can take away stress or anxiety. It’s really helped me and I enjoyed doing Do Something Different – it’s brilliant.”
Joan, Do Less Stress in Herts participant“My problem was I couldn’t get a job and the whole cycle of applying and interviewing for jobs was draining. I have now received one offer – and am in the running for something else – and that has made a big difference to my confidence and well-being. I realised feeling ‘down’ was dragging me down and once I realised I had to mentally pull myself up, my external world improved as well. I think the suggestions verified that I was doing the right things to improve my life – and made sure I kept on doing them!”
Do Happiness in Herts participant
“Do something different has reminded me to eat better and get back into an exercise regime. Although I have always tried to do this sometimes it slips and this reminded me to get into good habits again. It has also brought to my attention it is good to have some fun and not to feel guilty about it.”
Do Healthy Living in Herts participant