I want to

Be More Active

This goal is for anyone who wants to move more. Whatever level of fitness you’re at, this goal will liven up your routine and stretch your imagination.

Helpful habits

Flex encourages you to develop habits that will help you be more active.

Choose active options

Often we have some choice in how we do everyday things - travelling, working, socialising. By choosing active options we can bring movement into more of our daily life.

Get active with others

Getting active in the company of other people can have a range of benefits. These include making it more likely to happen, making it more fun, and bringing some social energy to our day.

Get out of breath

Pushing our bodies is important to gaining fitness. Getting out of breath from physical activity a few times a week is a good sign that we're exercising hard enough to see some benefits.

Learn from active people

We all know someone who has improved their life through fitness. Drawing on their experience and encouragement can inspire us to get moving and help us learn how.

Make exercise easier

It is easy to let small things get in the way of being active. By consciously removing those obstacles and giving ourselves helpful encouragement we make it more likely that we'll get moving.

Make more of activities

Whatever our circumstances, there's already some movement in our daily lives. We can be creative and get more out of those moments, going longer, faster or harder to give ourselves the benefits of increased activity.

Try new activities

To discover the activities we'll get the most out of we need to experiment. It's all about stepping outside our comfort zones and trying new ways to get our bodies moving.